EveryMinute - A better way to track time

I designed this app while working a position that required careful tracking of hours. The desktop timekeeping app the company provided had limited functionality and a frustrating design, inspiring me to explore an expanded mobile solution.

Pencil sketch held above stack of other sketches

When first brainstorming, I often start on paper or a whiteboard, giving me freedom to explore without getting mired in the details.

Smartphones in hand with two different mockups of timer app

Time to get more detailed? Time for prototyping software. For mobile screen sizes, I like to see my layouts in-hand as soon as possible.

Interviewing a user - phone in hand with prototype on screen

Got a usable low-fi prototype? Show it around! Test participants offer the vital fresh eyes of the users I’ll be targeting.

Wireframes of 3 different iterations of design

What worked? What didn’t? Time to iterate. Others’ insights almost always push me to make things cleaner, simpler—more fun.

Me comparing mockup on computer screen versus phone screen

Getting close? Time to move into higher-fidelity prototypes and fine-tune the details.

Printed booklet of annotated wireframes

With most details finalized, it’s time to document. Hopefully I’ll get to work alongside the developers, but if not, my detailed notes, wireframes, and comps need to tell a comprehensive story on their own.

Phones with high-fidelity mockups of app on screens

This app is ready to build.